Join the Herbal Winter Wellness Workshop!

Workshop Starting Soon!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Winter is coming....
Are you prepared to stay healthy?
Get the skills you need to stock your herbal pantry with healing and supportive plants!

With the changing seasons comes a new set of pathogens. As we begin to spend more time inside and become less active, our bodies become more susceptible to winter's illnesses. So how do we support ourselves during this time?

With Herbs Of Course!!!!

But purchasing a lot of herbal preparations can be cost prohibitive and many of us just default to the cheaper drug store options. If you'd like to save money, increase your self-reliance and get away from dependence on Over-the-Counter chemical-laden medications, the Herbal Concoctions Winter Wellness Workshop is for you!

This year instead of waiting until acute illness strikes, prepare your herbal pantry NOW! During the workshop you'll not only learn ABOUT the herbs and foods to strengthen your immune system, but HOW to create the remedies you need to care for yourself or your loved ones if you get sick. Take a stand for your health by creating an herbal kitchen! 

Let’s face it, the options available to us in drug stores don’t usually deliver on their promises of health. It is like placing a bandage over a gushing wound. While natural foods stores offer better choices, they are expensive! It’s hard to focus on self care when we’re worried about spending that much money every month.

Making your own herbal products can solve these problems!

BUT... There are lots of QUESTIONS that come up when you first start on an herbal journey
 - How do I properly prepare, filter, store and use these for myself?
 - Which plants should I choose?
 - How much plant material do I need for each type of extract?
 - Where is the best place to get herbs?
 - What brand and potency of extractants should I use?
 - How do I avoid making mistakes??

If you’ve felt intimidated to take the first step toward brewing up the things you need to support your own wellness, then the Herbal Concoctions Workshop is for you! With Alison as your guide, you will gain not just skills and knowledge, but the self-confidence to fill your shelf with homemade herbal products to help you take better care of yourself and your family. 

This workshop is for anyone who has a  fear of “messing up” , "doing it wrong" or is otherwise unsure where to start. Don't just guess or try to figure it out from a recipe! Get the hands on help you need. Our ancestors didn't have a drug store. They used wild plants for their health - and we can too! We only need to remember how. That's what this workshop will teach you.

The Herbal Concoctions Workshop is educationally focused. We won't be able to solve everyone's personal health issues during the workshop. However, with a little research and time, you can easily decide what herbs are best for you. And when you do - you'll be armed with the skills and knowledge to create the concoctions that can put you on a path to improved health!

Are you Ready? Scroll further for Details!

What's Included in the Winter Wellness Workshop?

Weedy Wellness is the Foundational Course in the Herbal Body Bundle. It provides the essential skills and knowledge needed for an herbally-inspired lifestyle!
Value: $495

 - 6 Live (2+ hour) Sessions on Zoom
 - Supporting videos and other materials for each lesson
 - Private community of course participants for sharing and caring!
SESSION 1. Introduction.
The Benefits of "Re-Weeding" Your Life.
    -  Why Weeds? How will this help you daily and over the long term.
    - Course Outline: Steps to bringing weeds and herbals into your life
    - Supplies and Equipment
    - Top 20 List of Essential Herbs and Weeds
SESSION 2.  Gathering Weeds and Wild Plants
Collecting wild plants requires several important prerequisites including knowledge of
    - Proper Identification. How do I know I have the right plant?
    - Seasonality. When are plants are ready to be harvested?
    - Life cycle. Root, shoot, flower and seed. What part do I use?
    - Location. Where do I look for plants (and where NOT to look)
SESSION 3. Processing Plant Material
Harvesting is only the first step in the re-weeding journey. Plants need to be prepped and processed to retain their best properties. There are lots of tips and tricks!
    - To dry or not to dry
    - Proper storage of your stash to retain vitality (and prevent problems)
    - Processing roots and flowers and leaves (Oh My!)
    - Creating a space in your home for your new found allies
SESSION 4. Brewing Tea
Now that you have a beautiful plant stash to work with, how do you incorporate these into your daily health routine? One of the most nourishing and satisfying ways to consume herbs is creating tea blends.
    - How to play with ratios to create a tea you will love
    - Grouping herbs for differing benefits (relaxation, energy, etc)
    - The parts method for measuring herbs
SESSION 5. Plant Extracts
There are many other ways to get the benefits of herbs in addition to tea. Herbal Extracts have long been used as an effective means of - as the name says - extracting the healing properties of plants. We'll learn about:
    - The cottage herbalist method of creating extracts.
    - Choosing your menustrum
    - Preparing plant material for extracting
    - What was that again? Proper labeling!          
SESSION 6. Putting it Together
In this final will help you easily incorporate your new found friends into your daily routine.
    - Creating habits of using herbs.
    - Organizing your apothecary
    - Living with the seasons. 
    - Celebrate our success!

Herbal Concoctions Workshop
Winter Wellness Edition!
Two, 3 hour sessions.

Why Is this Workshop 2 Sessions?

Many herbal preparations require
time to infuse or macerate. In part 1, we'll get them started and in part 2, extract and store them for use in the months to come. That's why we're starting now - so you'll have what you need when you need it!
During the two-session, live, guided workshop, I will take you step-by-step through the process of making 5 different health boosting products. Not only will you be prepared for whatever winter brings your way, you'll have the skills to begin creating even more herbal preparations throughout the year!

At the end of the workshop you'll have made:
 - Hawthorn+ Elderberry Elixir
 - Medicinal Mushroom Extract
 - Fire Cider
 - Ginger Cough Syrup
 - Garlic-Infused Tamari Honey

I'll also share winter-specific variations on the types of preparations that are taught in the Herbal Concoctions Course (see below) so you can adapt the techniques you'll be learning in the course to winter wellness.

In-Person Workshop: Includes all materials.
Virtual Workshop: Instruction only

BONUS 1: Herbal Concoctions Course
Over 5 hours of pre-recorded content.

The Herbal Concoctions course teaches you how to begin, infuse, filter and store the different types of extracts you need for your personal herbal pantry. We'll be working with 5 different extractants because each type of liquid brings out a different property of the plant.
    - alcohol
    - vegetable glycerine
    - vinegar
    - honey
    - olive oil
During the 5 session course, I share the essential techniques so you can:
  - Avoid common mistakes when creating your own products.
 - Understand the basic steps of extract creation.
 - Gain the personal confidence to experiment with new combinations.
 - Save money by creating your own remedies!

BONUS 2: 4 weeks of Community Coaching.

Herbal Concoctions students will have exclusive access to a community group within the course portal, led by Alison. Here we can share our successes, questions and support with others traveling along the same herbal journey! 

BONUS 3: The Herbally-Inspired Fall Kitchen
Challenge Recordings! $95 Value

The Herbally-Inspired Fall Kitchen Challenge recordings are packed with 3 hours of great content that you can revisit. They will be available for you to watch in the course portal.

BONUS: The Essential Guide to Herbal Tea

This easy to follow guide will help you begin blending your very own teas.  This pdf guide, created by Alison,  will get you started and well on the way to incorporating healing and relaxing teas into your every day routines. 

We won't be covering this in the Herbal Concoctions Workshop - but it's such an important part of your home apothecary!

Receive a 1 on 1 consultation w/Alison.
Includes two, 1-Hour coaching sessions!
VALUE: $295
Only 4 Sessions Available!

Workshop, Course + Community
 for only $97!!
(A value of over $600!)

Scroll Down for More Details

More About Your Guide

Hello! I'm Alison. I'm an herbalist, ecologist, educator and flower essence practitioner who loves all things botanical, herbal and green! Decades ago I began a plant journey that led me to the herbally-inspired life I now live.

What does that look like? It’s the daily practice of  infusing beneficial herbs into all aspects of my lifestyle: what I eat, my personal care and my environment.

Living an herbally-inspired life allows me to enjoy the sensual experiences that plants provide: the scent of an aromatic herb, the taste of a well-flavored meal, the beauty and textures of living plants in my environment.

As an herbalist and gardener, I know the deep healing that comes from tending. We care for the plants and they care for us. Incorporating beautiful, nutritious and healing plants into our daily lives gives us an earth-centered and grounding connection that we all need in this fast-paced, tech-focused world.

I love living an herbally-inspired life and I know you will love it too! Let's get started!

Registration Open for a Limited Time!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

What is the Investment?

Herbal Concoctions includes a live Zoom workshop + a pre-recorded course so you can immediately begin creating your own concoctions!  It's a training + a community + a teacher who is available to answer specific questions FOR YOU! 

Is there a Payment Plan?

Yes - You can pay in full for $97 OR choose the 2-payment option to get enrolled for just $60. Your second $60 payment will be due a month from your sign up date. Select which plan you prefer on the check out page.

What is the Guarantee?

While I am CONVINCED you will love this set of trainings, it may not be for everyone.
Attend the first half of the workshop and if you truly decided it's not for you, I will refund your money!

Workshop Logistics

 - Both live workshop sessions will be recorded and accessible for replays via the community course platform.

 - The live sessions will be from 1:00 - 4:00 ET, on Sunday October 22 and November 19. Access via Zoom or in-person in Barrington NH (directions available after you register).

 - The live workshop is a hands on experience.  Be in your kitchen (or mine...) ready to create your concoctions during the workshop!

 - The in-person workshop includes all supplies and ingredients (BYO jars...). Virtual participants will need to purchase supplies in advance. A supply list will be sent to you via email once you register.

 -  During the 4 weeks between the first and second workshop, you will be supported with Community Coaching in the course platform.
 - The Herbal Concoctions course is available immediately on the course platform so you can dig in right away and start learning before the live workshop!

Register Now. Time is running out!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Is this the Right Course For Me?

This Course IS for you if...

You love to garden and want to learn more about nourishing plants

You are health conscious and want to boost your intake of nourishing herbs and healing plants.

You love nature and recognize that it provides many healing weeds but aren't sure how to get started gathering.

You like to cook and incorporate new flavors and foods into your meals.

You support local farms and markets and want to start providing some of your own food.

You are curious about herbal remedies and want to find out more. 

This Course is NOT for you if...

You think you will learn about Cannabis (a great weed with all sorts of health benefits but not part of this course).

You don't have an interest in getting outside to explore the world around you.

You are looking for a pill or potion to "fix" a health concern.

You don't want to be part of an interactive, live class and community.
The Well Cultivated Life, LLC
Barrington NH
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